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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

| Company

Time to say thank you!

Another year is coming to an end and this is an occasion for us to review the eventful year 2022.

The end of the year is therefore also a perfect opportunity to look back on the past year and, at the same time, to take a look ahead to the new year 2023. Starting in October, 2022 was dominated by our 20th company anniversary, which will continue to be felt in 2023. After months of preparation, we were able to celebrate our anniversary gala in October in an extraordinary ambience and setting, which we are very happy and grateful about. 20 years of steady growth are behind us, which could only be made possible by the commitment of each and every one of the imes-icore group - for this once again a big thank you!

We would also like to thank our business partners, customers and dealers for the constructive cooperation, which has endured even in challenging times and which we look forward to continuing in the future!

The Christmas holidays are now approaching and we all see ourselves mentally already with roast goose, cookies, gifts and being together with the family. During the holidays, we also retreat to the family circle and enjoy the peaceful days when the world turns a little slower for a few days and we all recharge our batteries.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a peaceful Advent season, a Merry Christmas and a good and healthy start to the New Year 2023!