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CORiTEC AM series at LMT magazine

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The CORiTEC AM100 metal 3D printer was published in LMT magazine

Our Competence & Service Center imes-icore USA presents our latest laser melting printer in the June/July issue of LMT Mag! Discover our CORiTEC AM100 /CORiTEC AMpure in the "Inspiration Issue" focusing on 3D printers or contact us directly at dental(at)imes-icore.com to get the latest information about it!

CORiTEC AM100 Metal 3D Printer

The CORiTEC AM100 metal 3D printer from imes-icore GmbH is a fast and affordable printer that can produce up to 250 units per processing cycle in less than three minutes per unit. The CORiTEC AMpure unpacking station with an innovative cartridge system enables minimal handling with minimum powder contact, low manufacturing costs and a fast return on investment thanks to the ability to reuse sieved powder. The combination of the CORiTEC AM100 printer and CORiTEC mills provides the ideal hybrid system for modelling, re-milling and finishing of high-quality restorations and is part of a workflow that ensures precise and easy handling.