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20 years imes-icore GmbH - Donation handover

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20 years imes-icore GmbH Donation handover on the event of the company anniversary in favor of "Kleinen Helden e.V."

Handing over the donation for the children and youth hospice - Kleine Helden e.V.: The imes-icore management (from left: Christian Müller, Christoph Stark and Raphael Kufel) hand over the donation of the 20th anniversary celebration to the founder of the Kleine Helden Simone Filip. - Photos: imes-icore GmbH

11/11/22 - 20 years ago, the company's founder Christoph Stark developed the first innovative machine systems. Today, the company employs 250 people at three locations in Germany and one in the USA. 15,000 machines have been sold worldwide to 100 countries through a network of dealers. As part of the anniversary celebration with 300 guests in the Schilde Hall in Bad Hersfeld at the end of October, a raffle was held for a charitable purpose. This week, the donation was personally handed over to the founder of the "Kleinen Helden e.V." Simone Filip at the company headquarters in Eiterfeld.

"Since the beginning, it was important for us to organize a celebration for the employees, but also to think of the colleagues who were not able to celebrate this anniversary with us. In the past few months, we have lost two colleagues as well as a female colleague who were unexpectedly and too quickly taken from life and thus also from our team after being diagnosed with cancer. That's why we decided to organize a raffle for a charitable purpose and donate these proceeds to the children's and youth hospice "Kleine Helden e.V.", explains Christoph Stark - founder and managing partner of imes-icore GmbH.

Impressions of the anniversary celebration at the Schilde Halle in Bad Hersfeld 

Exuberant mood among the 300 invited guests

Sophia Stark at the drawing of the raffle winners

The raffle ticket sales raised € 3,000 at the anniversary celebration. A subsidiary of imes-icore GmbH, i-ProDens from Hanau, donated an additional €500, so that a total of €3,500 was raised for the charity. "The time after a serious diagnosis is simply too short. We want to enable the families to have an appropriate and dignified farewell and the children and young people to have their last heartfelt wishes. In addition, we would like to financially support the measures and future plans of this great organization in our region," add Christian Müller - Managing Director and Raphael Kufel - Authorized signatory.

The organization, which is located in the neighboring town of Hünfeld, currently supports around 150 children and adolescents with life-limiting illnesses, the most seriously ill and those who are saying goodbye, as well as siblings and relatives who are grieving. The support provided varies widely and includes, for example, psychosocial care, end-of-life care, and the mediation and coordination of support services. In some cases, the support takes place in the homes of the children and young people concerned, in the hospital or on the premises of the Little Heroes.

"Our services are financed almost exclusively by donations. Currently, our team consists of 40 volunteers and trained helpers. Therefore we are very pleased about the generous donation of the imes-icore GmbH. We will invest the money in the new building of our fully inpatient children's and youth hospice in Michelsrombach," said Simone Filip, who visited the medium-sized company in Eiterfeld on behalf of the Little Heroes.

"We hope that through our help and donation we can also support the remarkable voluntary commitment of the Little Heroes team to some extent and perhaps put a smile back on the faces of some children and young people and their families," concludes Christoph Stark, aptly summing up the goal.

More details about the Kinder- und Jugendhospiz Osthessen e.V. Little Heroes at www.kleinehelden-hospiz.de.

Further information about imes-icore GmbH at www.imes.icore.com or on Facebook and Instagram